First thing before the session started, i messaged all the Questioneer’s kids to not forget to charge their phone completely and bring them to class. I made it clear to them that its going to be a day full of challenges, working hard and having fun all at the same time!

The class was given outdoors since it was a beautiful sunny day.

Since its winter season and the element that represents winter is Watering , so the assignment was to take shots of anything related to water.
This activity was led by each to his own. I wanted them to challenge themselves on a personal level and try to depend on themselves rather than depending on a team.
The one who gets the best shot was said to win a voucher of 5$ for snacks of his choice.

Happily and excited, the Questioneer’s kids returned to class waiting impatiently to post the shot on instagram. They all wanted to show me but i wouldnt accept until checking them on the platform.

Let’s see the best 3 shots!

And the winner is martin with this photo
